Delivering fact-based historical, legal, and cultural Indigenous Information to the Community
Welcome to Indigenous Education!
Indigenous Education (IndEdu) is a non-profit organization established in 2010 to provide an alternative scholarly perspective on the history of the indigenous people of North America, particularly those from the southeastern part of the United States. We accomplish this undertaking by producing educational presentations and videos entitled An American Deception, designed to bring awareness to many of the omitted facts of the original light-skinned to dark-skinned inhabitants of the Americas.

Indigenous Education Every Saturday

IndEdu believes that by providing this information, many people of color in the United States will have the opportunity to reconnect with a history that pre-dates the Columbian era. A history they have been largely excluded from up until now. We also believe that by cultivating this renewed awareness of the past and the lost cultural identity of thousands upon thousands of people of color, many people can begin to heal from the historical trauma that has caused the psychological and physiological problems that permeate this indigenous population. Lastly, we believe that when society, in general, can envision people of color from this new, more accurate perspective, this nation can begin to heal itself from the effects of racism that are still very evident in our everyday lives.